ROW clearing (vegetation / mechanical)

We understand overgrowth. To help our clients, we consider our work similar to gardening -- but only if your garden extended for dozens of miles. CPM helps natural gas and petroleum industry clients to clear away plant life on regulated pipelines. That includes everything from grass to weeds to trees of all sizes -- and an occasional encounter with vines and other foliage that sprout from wetlands.

The clearing of regulated pipeline right-of-way (ROW) can even involve the trimming of large trees that have formed canopies over a pipeline system.

Regulated pipelines require aerial surveillance on a regular basis to inspect for any activity over, or adjacent to, the pipeline that could impact its short- or long-term safety. CPM’s crews have more than 15 years of experience in clearing ROW’s both mechanically and chemically. For instance, we use high-flow equipment with heavy-duty Fecon cutting heads to ensure that the path will be clear for visual inspections.